Companies Share Ebola Policies & Procedures
Several AAOHN members agreed to share the Ebola policies, procedures and communications that they have put in place over the past few months. Some of these may be helpful as you review, revise or develop your employer’s protocols to control and reduce the risk of contamination within your organization.
Note: The examples presented here are samples of what other occupational and environmental health nurses and their employers have done. They are not intended to provide specific medical, healthcare or legal advice. Information and recommendations about how to deal with this virus and how to protect workers and the public rapidly changes and this information may as rapidly become inconsistent with immediate and current recommended practice. Readers should consult with the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – The Premier Resource for Ebola prevention and control recommendations and develop policies and procedures for your employer and its employees that are appropriate for the circumstance.
Example #1 General Ebola Control Guidelines
Example #2 Global Occupational Health Guidance
Example #3 Military and Civilians Working with Military
Example#4 US-based Hospitals, Long-term Care Facilities
Example# 5 Employee Communications including Travel Restrictions
AAOHN also has published an Ebola Resources Guide that is available to the public.
AAOHN Member Contributors:
Jennylynn Balmer, RN, MPA, COHN-S/SM
Yolanda Lang, PhD, MSN, CRNP, COHN, FAAOHN
Sharon Kemerer, MSN, RN, COHN-S/CM
Nicole Shaffer, DNP, CRNP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN