2025 National Conference



Add more value to your 2025 AAOHN National Conference attendance by attending a pre-conference workshop. Please note pre-conference workshop registration fees are not included in the full conference registration rate, and require additional enrollment and payment. If you've already registered for the conference and would like to add a workshop to your existing registration, please contact registration@aaohn.org.

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COHN/COHN-S Review Course

Saturday, March 29 – Sunday, March 30

A two-day workshop to review key concepts for the occupational health nursing certification exams, led by experienced experts. Topics include clinical practice and case management, direct care, leadership, program management, quality assurance, risk and compliance, industrial hygiene, toxicology, and legal/ethical issues. The course includes instruction, discussions, activities, and additional resources to help attendees prepare for either the COHN or the COHN-S exam. Nurses interested in or new to occupational health nursing will also benefit, and the content aligns with the updated ABOHN exam blueprint.

Learner Objectives

  • Define current occupational health nursing roles and functions and describe occupational health nursing strategies for providing clinical practice, case management, direct care and health promotion to workers.
  • Discuss the concepts and principles of ergonomics, industrial hygiene, hearing conservation, toxicology, epidemiology, and occupational health nursing research.
  • Discuss legislation relevant to occupational health nursing, as well as federal standards and regulations.
  • Identify topic areas to be studied for ABOHN Certified Occupational Health Nurse exam.

Learning Outcome

  • 85% of OHNs who complete this course will report that it provided them with the tools needed to prepare for the ABOHN exam.


Laurie Heagy MPH, RN, COHN-S Mindy Guillory RN, BSN, COHN-S/CM, COHC/CD, CEAP, SAP, MRO-a

Conference of Leaders

Saturday, March 29 – Sunday, March 30

In today’s occupational health settings, there is a demand for nurse leaders. AAOHN’s Conference of Leaders develops an OHNs leadership and communication skills. Invest in your future as a leader, build your confidence to strengthen your knowledge base, and seek mentor opportunities to name just a few of the essentials introduced in a two-day workshop.

During the course, we’ll have instructor-led discussions, reflective and personal leadership activities, peer breakout activities, networking, and opportunities for mentorship. Whether you’re currently a leader in need of a refresh to your skillset or considering leadership for your career progression, prepare to forge your own path with AAOHN’s Conference of Leaders.

CNE: Attendees earn 15 CNE.

Learner Objectives

  • Differentiate and self-assess valued characteristics and styles of leaders
  • Identify contextual issues within the workplace such as stereotypes, biases, and other barriers that may challenge OHN leaders
  • Describe how leaders generate confidence and support within their profession
  • Develop a professional set of abilities and resources that include communication proficiency, business acumen, and technology competency.


Sandra J. Cinque, BA, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN

Dawn Stone, Phd, RN, ANP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN 

Advanced Practice Occupational Health Nursing Pre-Con

Sunday, March 30 | 8:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.

A one-day workshop for the occupational health advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner or doctor of nursing practice for advanced clinical care in the workplace setting. Pharmacology credits will be offered.

200(a) | Responding to Workplace Violence for the Occupational Health APRN

Workplace violence is a pervasive problem globally. OHNs respond to workplace violence in organizations that struggle to effectively mitigate occurrences of these events. Nurses who are injured due to workplace violence suffer from anxiety, PTSD, burnout, fear, and long-term physical consequences. The OHN role is underutilized by organizational response to violence and has an opportunity to positively influence mental and physical health outcomes for workers who experience workplace violence. This training will provide information on the occurrences of workplace violence and provide learning as to the positive impact an APRN in occupational health brings to the prevention and response strategies.

200(b) | Unipolar or Bipolar Depression? Assessment and Psychopharmacology for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Julianne Armijo FNP-C, MSN, RN, Ph.D. pre-candidate
Bipolar disorder is a challenging and complex condition to treat, especially for practitioners who may not have accessible psychiatric consultation services. In this session, the presenter will compare and contrast basic unipolar and bipolar depression psychopathology and psychopharmacology. During the activity, the presenter will review outpatient prescribing considerations, treatment plan formulation, and new diagnostic developments related to biomarkers and machine learning to differentiate the two conditions. This activity is geared toward non-psychiatric specialty APRNs (e.g., FNPs).

200(c) | Management of Chronic Respiratory Illness and the Occupational Health Provider
Evin Parker MSN, APRN, FNP, NP-C

Employee absences due to chronic respiratory illness and flares is a reality. Quick treatment proctocols may reduce or eliminate workplace absences. Having APRNs at the worksite able to treat and prescribe helps employees with their care, disease management and avoids costly and unnecessary emergency room visits.

200(d) | Exremity E-Ray Interpretation
Denise Ramponi, DNP, FNP-C. ENP-BC, FAANP, FAEN
Nurse Practitioners in Occupational Health often deal with orthopedic injuries requiring diagnostic imaging. This session will review the most common orthopedic injuries, the diagnostic imaging required for assessment, and guidance for interpretation of x-ray reading.

200(e) | Beyond the Basics: Modernizing Occupational Examinations for the Aging and Gender Inclusivity
Kim Olszewski DNP, CRNP, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN, FAANP, FAAN, and Erin Bucher, DNP, A-GNP-C, COHN-S

OHNs are at the forefront of worker health and safety. As the workforce ages and changes, OHN prepartion to anticipate the needs of the worker population and consider modification to work-related physical exams is a needed update. The APRN in occupational health has varied knowledge regarding pharmacologic factors impacting the aging and transgender workers. Join this training for a look at modifed work-related physical exams specific to the aging population and gender inclusivity for more comprehensive assessments.

200(f) | The Last -Minute Business Traveler: Overcoming the Myriad Challenges of the Pre-Travel Encounter-Immunizations, Medications and Risk Reduction Counseling
This session is loaded with information to manage the "last-minute" business traveler with occupational health. Attendees will better understand the pre-travel requirements and work arounds for the traveler who has less than a 2 week time period before travelling. Discussion will be geared mainly to international travel but some domestic visits may be discussed.