

AAOHN’s Committees create a member-driven organization aligned with the association’s strategy. Our volunteer members represent all sub-specialties in the practice of occupational and environmental health nursing. Learn more about each of our committees by reading the descriptions below or contacting the Committee Chair.

Submit your 2025-2026 Call for Volunteers Form Here


Awards & Recognition Committee

The Awards & Recognition Committee reviews award submissions and selects recipients of awards offered by AAOHN. This committee is also tasked with improving the award application process. 

Board Liaisons: Deborah Waymack & Rick Garcia 

Chapters & Membership Committee

The Chapters & Membership Committee develops resources to support AAOHN members and chapters, and identifies ways to increase member engagement and involvement.

Board Liaison: Jennylynn Balmer & Deborah Waymack

Education Committee

Conference Planning Subcommittee

Review and select abstracts for conference workshops, podium presentations and posters; review member needs assessments and determine topics and actively seek faculty with gaps (leading edge and/or absence of a topic) in programming occur; serve as Facilitators for Practice Exchanges and Panel Discussions at Conference. 

Webinar Planning Subcommittee 

Develop webinar offerings, targeted to membership areas of work, chapter and career needs in collaboration with the Education Consultant AP PD

Course Development Subcommittee

Work with the Education Consultant AP PD to develop content for online or in person courses to align with identified nursing practice gaps.

Chair: Julia Buss
Board Liaisons: Yolanda Lang & Marie-Anne Rosemberg

Leadership Succession Committee

The Leadership Succession Committee recruits qualified, willing, and eager candidates to serve on the Board of Directors. The committee conducts the annual nominations and elections process to prepare a slate of individuals for the elections ballot to be voted on by the AAOHN membership.

Chair: Kimberly Olszewski

Legislative Affairs Committee

Recommend AAOHN’s public policy platform for BOD approval and develop tools for member advocacy, and advise on AAOHN’s support to other advocacy efforts.

Chair: Donna Zankowski
Board Liaison: William Thomack

Practice Committee

Review, revise and develop practice education and guidance products. Answer practice-related questions.

Co-Chairs: Sarah Hewitt & Cindy Joffrion 
Board Liaison: Karen Heaton & Stephanie Hammond