
2025 Election


Electing highly qualified, engaged, skilled, enthusiastic members to serve on the AAOHN Board of Directors is critical to our association's continued success, growth, and development. However, simply encompassing these attributes is not the sole consideration that the Election Committee utilizes when seeking candidates for election to the Board of Directors. Other considerations include: 

  • Dedication to the values, mission, and vision of the organization
  • Courtesy, honesty, and integrity
  • Candid dialogue
  • Behaving as a team player and participating in the group that is the board
  • Expressing individual opinions and perspectives balanced with supporting group decisions
  • Asking difficult questions without being overzealous
  • Being comfortable with diversity and agreeing to disagree
  • Accepting that disagreement and conflict are part of doing the organization’s business well and working with colleagues to resolve differences
  • Bringing issues to the boardroom and discouraging behind-the-scenes conversation that creates divisiveness

Nominations are being sought for the following positions:

President-Elect (Term: 2025-2027) The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of President after a two-year term, in the absence of the President assume the duties of the President, assume other duties assigned by the bylaws, governance policies or Board of Directors and succeed to the office of President under provisions in Sections 7A (bylaws) in event of a vacancy of that office. To be eligible for President Elect, candidates must have served a minimum of (2) years as a Director within the preceding (5) years.

Secretary (Term: 2025-2027) The Secretary shall be responsible for the integrity of the Board’s documents. The Secretary shall serve for two years or until a successor has been elected and assumes office. To be eligible for Secretary, candidates must have served a minimum of (2) years as a Director within the preceding (5) years.
Candidate Qualifications:

  • Must be an Active or Lifetime Member of AAOHN
  • Occupational Health Nursing Experience
  • AAOHN Organizational Experience
    • National
    • Regional
    • State
    • Local
  • Leadership Skills
  • Writing Ability
  • Communication Skills
  • Ability to work with others

Self-nominations are encouraged. Terms of office begin at the annual business meeting.  If elected to the AAOHN Board of Directors, a minimum of 90% board meeting attendance is expected (five virtual meetings and one face-to-face meeting annually). 

The AAOHN Leadership Succession Committee will review every application with the goal of developing a qualified slate of candidates. 

Your Vote is Your Voice

Elections are the foundation of a strong organization. It takes an active and engaged membership to ensure board representation and leadership to respond to member concerns. As such, AAOHN maintains periodic elections according to bylaws, has an active Leadership Succession Committee to assure viable candidates for all open positions on the AAOHN Board of Directors and open elections to all qualified members to maintain a strong and diverse Board.